
Friday, May 25, 2012


I've realized that no matter how bittersweet, or sad memories can be... I think they're always worth it. I've recently been thinking about all of the dumb--more like stupid--and plain upsetting things I've either thought or done over the past three or four years... and I'm telling you the list isn't short. I've been so depressed lately, and now I kind of realized it's one, because I'm expecting life to move too fast; and two, I've kind of been holding onto the past too much. Sometimes the hardest thing to do in a situation is to let go of what you love the most. I've been hanging onto things like that because one day I was hoping that it would all go back to the way it was before. But, as Aslan says in the second movie of Narnia 'nothing ever happens the same way twice.' I guess that's kind of what I've been expecting to happen with all of these guys. I've expected things to just fall into place like a good novel. I guess it's like Northanger Abbey. Sometimes I guess I wish I lived inside of a novel. You know, having whatever you want even with all of the challenges that people have to go through to get them. I really didn't realize how much work it takes to really get everything to that perfect time when all of it seems to fit together like a puzzle. I'm still not all the way there, but I am getting closer(:

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