
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another Post about My Characters...

This is how I imagine Luc to be.
He's in love with Baeli, but she never loved him.

This is Justin, Baeli's lover :)
He made a vow to protect her and
he never broke it.

Melanie is one of the protagonist. 
She likes Justin, but he likes Baeli.
She's really mean.

This is what I think Baeli looks like (I'm pretty sure its her).
I'm sure most of you already know all about her because
of my lavish descriptions, but I just want to say again, she loves Justin.

This is what Baeli's dad is supposed to look like. 
Minus the smile. He's afraid to let Baeli go, so he 
tries to prevent it by denying his permissions for them
to go out, too bad it doesn't work!

I can't say much about Colton or it will ruin future readings....
some of you already know about him though...
Just gonna say, you are gong to be surprised!
Hope you enjoyed, it took me about twenty minutes to find all of these. <3 you guys!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Okay, this is my third blog, but I know you guys don't care. I edited those to pics. on picnik, and here are the two covers!!!!! Which one do you like more?

Yeah, I'm Writing Again

Time for blog post number two of the day. My, my, I'm thinking a lot today. This one is going to be about my on and off boyfriend. I'll be telling you important parts of the story as they come up, but for now, you can just know that we both still like each other, and we are waiting till were sixteen to officially start going out again. The two pictures are two optional covers for a book I'm writing about our story. I'm not sure which one to use, so it would be greatly appreciated if you guys gave me any suggestions.
So, for awhile--it seems like forever--this guy and I have been really good friends. I'm not scared to tell him anything, even the fact that I like him. Which I did, just yesterday. I'd been trying to work up the courage to talk to him since the beginning of school, but for some reason every time we leave school for the Summer we grow further apart and then we have to start over right where we left off. This year is no different. Very recently I have discovered that I still like, and very possibly am in love with this ex-boyfriend of mine. I don't know why, but something clicked in my brain. I walked into the school a few weeks ago, and in my mind I said, "Woah, Tyler is turning out to be really cute!" I didn't tell anyone until a few days into last week. The important thing that happened though, is the conversation between me and Tyler yesterday.

I walked outside because I knew that's where he was going to be, and I sat down by his group and said, "I thought I'd join the party."
He said, "Hey, welcome. What did you want to talk to me about?"
"I can't say it right here."
"Where do you want  to go?"
"Let's walk," I suggested.
We started walking, and I said. "I've thought about it a lot over the summer, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately--" I stopped. "You already know what I'm going to say, so just say it."
He teased me, and was like "Is it that.... no, it can't be...." He said. "Just go on."
"and, I've decided I still like you."
Okay, I have to explain something to explain, don't I. If you know me and Tyler's story even a little bit you know how powerful those words that I said are. Since last year, I have known that he has had a crush on me since Kindergarten, and something I've realized is that I have liked him that long too, even if it was very subtle to even me. Up until now, I didn't really realize what it meant to love someone--and neither did Tyler. That's what we were talking about while passing notes last year. That's also when we agreed to wait till sixteen which is where I got the story for Sixteen/Sweet Revenge.
Here's more of the conversation:
I said, "Oh, you know how you kept on getting on my nerves to find us a theme song?"
"Yeah," he said.
"Well I found one," I told him. "Have you heard One And Only by Adele?"
"No," he said.
"It's a good song." I said in a whisper.
Then we walked over to the garbage cans so he could throw his food away. I said, "Oh, and I started writing our story like you wanted me to."
"Okay, cool." he said.
"Yeah, I only have like two paragraphs though, cause I just barely started today." I told him.
"You should email it to me so I can read it."
"Okay, you should email me your version so I can read that."
Then I walked away cause I had nothing better to do.

Thing is, I'm not really sure what to do... I don't think he fully understands exactly how far my feelings extend but I don't want to tell him because he's teased me about things like this before, and I'm pretty sure he'd still tease me, even thought the point of the whole situation is him. I'll make a chart later about good and bad things that have been happening. I'm not really sure he likes me anymore, but I really really hope he does. I'll probably at least wait to tell him how I really feel till fifteen. What do you guys think I should do? I am almost completely clueless.

<3/  Confused Soul

Monday, October 17, 2011

Geography.... again....

Well, I think I might be developing a bit of a habit here.... I mean, the blogging in Geography. This time, I'm not actually going to be blogging blogging about how dumb Geo. is, but instead, I'm going to tell you a little bit about what happened to me on Saturday. Don't worry, if something important comes up later today, I will blog a bit more.

But first, here comes Saturday.
When I woke up Saturday morning, I was really grumpy so I got grounded from going to the regional. Now, I am so glad that I got ungrounded for the regional, but I didn't know how important it was going to be then, but now... I am VERY grateful. What I'm going to tell you about first, happened at an awesome party that I went to with my awesome friends Sara/Raine; and Dreamer123456, and basically, my whole ward... even a guy I used to like.

I got there, and me and my friend ran up to each other, and spun around in the very cheesy--but very awesome hug that we always greet each other with. Then she said, "Sara's coming too!"
I screamed in joy! :) Yep, I did. Then, Sara got there. I had brought my Italian phrasebook and dictionary so we were looking up random stuff to know how to say. Then, all of a sudden,  it happened.
I said, "Oh my gosh!" than I laughed, "it's him!" I said, excitedly. by him I mean the guy in our ward that I used to like, and might still like, but I certainly hope not because of how much he hurt me, but that's a story for another day.

He was walking towards the party with his family, his mom carrying a desert because the women had all signed up to make a desert. (by the way, she ended up winning the contest). For awhile my friends and I just sat around playing games that we like to make up. Then, we decided to go talk to Justin I'll call him. At this point in life, I've decided to stop liking him--or at least try to as much as I can. I'm not going to tell you the whole back-story because it's very long so I'll just tell you later.

We all started talking about random stuff with another one of our neighbors, and then Justin saw my Italian dictionary and took it and looked at it... then he gave it back. Nothing much happened, but for a minute I thought I might like him again.... not happening.

Alright, now for the regional. We picked up all of the people to pick up, and then we got to the dance. We all just danced around for awhile to some Halloween songs, and other stuff. We did the dance to Footloose. there is kind of a back story to this, but it kind of happens in the background.

While we were doing the dance to footloose, I looked to my left and saw a guy I like right now to my left doing the dance with us. I just have to say one thing. He. Is. A. Great. Dancer. Also, I saw my ex-boyfriend, who I'm thinking I still like because when I saw him dancing with another chica I got a little bit jealous. I was going to ask him to dance, but he was always dancing with other chicas. Now, it is time for the wonderful happening.

Yes, there's another guy. For awhile I was trying to get up the courage to dance with him, but every time I did he was dancing with another girl. Finally, after a very long time I just walked up to him and asked him to dance. I had to tell him twice so he could hear me (I wasn't talking quiet, the dance was just loud). Here's the conversation we had.

Me: Hey
Him: Hi
Me: How's it going?
Him: Good, what about you?
Me: Pretty good.
Him: How many of these dances have you been to?
Me: All of them. Since June.

Then we were quiet for awhile, then I said.
Me: Does Mrs. N (I took the name out, so no one will know who it is) ever get on your nerves?
I couldn't quite hear what he said, but I assume he agreed.
Then I started just staring at him. Then it got awkward again, and we started talking about school again.
Me: What's your favorite class?
Him: Geography, I have Packer
Me: me too! Fifth period

Me: When's your birthday?
Him: April
Me: Mine's in May

Then the song ended, and so did anything important :)


Emma.... more later!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fish, Fish... are. stupid.

     Well, I'm in Geography right now. There are are about twenty-five minutes till lunch.... I'm really hungry by the way, even though we made spaghetti two periods ago. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. We are in Geography, and we're watching a video about surviving in the arctic. It's talking about all the animals and stuff--what I say next has nothing to do with the way I feel about animals, because I just love animals, but seriously, why do we really need to know what it would be like to survive in the arctic? It's talking about what they ate, and how important it was to keep a clear mind there and crap like that.
     A few weeks ago, we had a substitute in Science, and we watched a really dumb video about fish scarcity! I almost fell asleep, hear that, ASLEEP! If you know me, that rarely happens, and when it does that means it was seriously boring. So, onto a happier subject. Like my dear friend Sara/Raine, I am going to write a little bit about my book.
      I'm going to start with a character sketch for each one, just out of preference. Then I'll tell you a little bit about the plot and setting. Also like Sara, I would love more than anything--besides the guy I like to feel the same about me--to get this published.

     Baeli Bonai: She's the main character, which is why I put her first. All she really wants in life is to find happiness, and be able to take care of her brother in a safe environment. She has dark black hair, and bright blue eyes. She's kind of skinny. Also like my awesome friend said, Baeli is like me, but she looks nothing like me.

     Justin Mayes: He's kind of a main character, a supporting character, and a little bit of antagonist put all into one. He has a crush on somebody... (see, I have a lot in common with Sara) the aforementioned, which you find out pretty early on in the book. He has dark black hair, and green eyes (java), and he's just a little bit taller than Baeli. He's a really nice kid.... that's all I'm going to say...

       Ian Bonai: Ian is Baeli's little brother, who ever since he was eleven has gained the habit of smoking cigarettes  although he is trying to break that habit. He looks almost exactly like Baeli except he has hazel eyes.

     I'm not going to give a lot of detail on the antagonists, because that might ruin the story for if you want to read it when it's published, but I'll tell you what they look like, and sort of their personalities.

      Joseph Bonai: You probably already guessed this one, but he's her dad. At the beginning, Justin kindly asks him if he can go out with Baeli, but he says no. The whole book is about them trying to get permission... he looks like Baeli... or should I say, 'Baeli looks like him.'

      The queen: I can't say much about her, because it would probably give away some of the plot, accept I will say that she just might have been falsely accused ;)

     Colton: I also can't say much about him, except he plays a very important role!!!!! Even though he's an antagonist, you may find yourself falling for him, I know I did before I made him the antagonist... seriously, the idea just flew out at me... I was like OMG! It was Colton!

Well that was a lot of typing.... I should probably go now, time for dinner!

<3 Emma

Friday, October 7, 2011

Here I am.... This Is Me.... AGAIN.

     Well, I'm going to start by saying school--mainly Geography--is so boring. We aren't doing anything except for sitting in our seats waiting of the lunch bell to ring. I didn't get breakfast this morning, so I am starved. I wonder what's for lunch. I decided I'm going to share three random things about me every day, to get my brain flowing to hopefully get me a story idea.

  1. I don't like yellow. I know, I know... it's a happy color, and I'm supposed to be a really happy person (by the way, I am, but I just don't like it. Yellow is the color of bees, and bees sting you and it hurts. So I'm just going to leave it at that.
  2. 'My precious,' yep.... I have lots of preciousnesses. As you probably already assumed, I love guys... you are going to hear a lot of great stories about the wonderful 'precious guys' that I just love in my life.... you might get scared.
  3. I hate vegetables... except for the tasty ones. I'm thinking about becoming an eater of only fruit and meat... what do you think??? Veggies just have no taste... unless they have butter and salt on them. Then they're tasty.
     Well, I've officially drawn a blank. Hope you enjoyed this, but I'm going to go now.

Peace, Love, Happiness, and having the time of you're life! :D


Sunday, October 2, 2011

17 Miracles

I don't know how many of my readers' have seen the movie 17 miracles, but it is amazing! It's about a Mormon hand-cart company that traveled over three hundred miles to make it to Zion, the place where they could live peacefully, and find true happiness. It goes through and shows all of the miracles they experienced along the way. It is truly amazing how many of those things they survived, and how much faith they had to have in order to cross. I don't know how many of you guys are religious, but I just wanted to share my testimony.

I know in my heart that through the Lord God we can do anything, and that through having faith in every footstep we can achieve greatness. I know that President Thomas S. Monson is the true living prophet today and that through him we can find our way back to living with Christ and our Heavenly Father again. I know that Christ suffered for all of our sins, and that through that we can find our way back to our heavenly home. I know that the book of Mormon is the true work of God given to us through man, and that it gives us truths that will help us to return. I know that we were sent here to earth to learn, and to grow in faith.

Well I'm pretty sure I won't be writing much more, but I just wanted to thank all of my friends for always being there for me--even when I'm being really weird, yes, I know, I definitely don't deserve as great friends as you, but I still want to thank you no matter how undeserving. You've supported me in everything I do, even if it isn't very smart. I love all of you guys more than words can say, so I'm just going to go, and let you know that I will always be there.

Your Boy Crazy Friend :-)