
Friday, November 11, 2011

Post #2 of 11/11/11

Well, thanks.... my 11/11/11 wish is making me think a lot more now. Still, you gotta love love :)

You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
When you're with 'em
You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah, them chills 

I do believe this part of love the way you lie totally explains how I'm feeling. I wish it were easier to talk to him. I think it's just because he's around his friends all the time, and he's kind of a ladies-man. If the guy I like happens to know I' like him, and he's reading this... I'd really appreciate it if you talked to me more often then just an occasional hello. 

Also, I am so angry at the moment. Just restarted my computer, and it deleted all of my freakin' typing! If I remember it later, I'll retype it but for now, I'll just tell you it was probably about Dante. Real or fake. (probably both) and how grateful I am that all of  you wonderful people I love to call my friends listen to my jabbering about either him or some other crush I have. It's good to know I have people I can go to that will (mostly) always be there to listen to me rant on and on about my troubles that I shouldn't even really be troubled about yet... I am only fourteen. But whatever.

Thing is, I think I'm going to be up all night, so if you would be willing to, I know it's almost morning right now, but (if you have my #) text me because I need someone's or lots of somebody's advice on a certain predicament I'm in. I like two best friends and I can't pick which one I like more.... I know I don't really need to pick one, but I don't want to be recognized as a cheater. I want people to recognize me as a faithful girl who doesn't watch other boys when she has a perfectly kind and courteous (handsome is just a plus)  right next to her--Well, currently Emma (me) doesn't because she's not sixteen, but for future references.

I love guys and all, but the stress I could totally deal without. No offense to any guy out there--like all of my friends that are guys (which are few :( ) but how can you guys be so bipolar. You say one thing one day, and the next day you act as if you never said it in the first place. I need some serious help. I'm gonna try to get some shut eye. Thanks for all you do.

Love you lots, (again)

Emma Susan (hey look, I gave you my middle name!) Tibbitts :D

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