
Friday, September 30, 2011

Les Miserables Life

   Well, let me just say, that as my 'display name' suggests I love Les Miserables. The story, the characters, they all come together to make a really great story. It may be sad, but you can actually learn some really great lessons from it no matter how hard it is.

   I'm not going to give any spoilers to those who haven't seen, or read the book--which i hope isn't many because it is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Well, anyway back to the story... I know for certain this is reaching Dreamer123456 is reading this, but for anyone else... I might use some inside jokes you won't understand. Please feel free to ignore that as we continue to laugh our heads off.

   It started like this. "Hey, his eyes sparkle!" (THIS REFERRING TO JEAN VAUGH JEAN)
   That sent us into a burst of laughter. 

 Then, when I was walking my friend home we started trying to figure out who we'd be in Les Miserables. She said, she'd be Cozette and I'd be Eponine because at one point, we liked the same guy, but now, were not really sure who likes him anymore. We have it all figured out with two different guys as Marius... personally, I prefer the one that I call Dante who also happens to like me back in all of my friends opinions. I'm still not so sure though. That's what my next journal entry so I won't go into much detail... just be prepared to share your opinions.


Dreamer123456 said...

His eyes SPARKLE!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):)

Tamaki's Girl said...

His eyes wrinkle in the corners when he smiles!